Exam Sites and Scheduling


Important Information from PSI and CBDM

PSI is continuing to monitor the latest developments associated with the global spread of Coronavirus -COVID-19. To ensure the safety of its employees and the candidates, since the outbreak began, PSI has strictly adhered to the latest safety procedures based various international, state, and local Orders and guidelines and CDC recommendations. 

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, are positive for COVID-19 or have been in recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19; contact PSI to discuss what options may be available regarding your appointment by emailing examschedule@psionline.com  or reschedule online (https://test-takers.psiexams.com/cbdm).

The following information represents the latest updates on the reopening of PSI’s owned and operated testing sites as of this review:

  • You have the option of wearing a facemask or not. If you choose to wear a facemask, bring your own to the test site.
  • You may wear gloves during the duration of your test. Gloves will be examined during the check-in and check-out security process.
  • You are required to discard facemasks and gloves outside of the PSI test site in a safe and sanitary manner.
  • To create a safe distance around Test Center Administrators and in lobby areas, test takers may be asked to wait outside of the building for a brief period during check in.
  • Testing equipment will be wiped down thoroughly with antibacterial wipes.
  • High-touch areas, including but not limited to keyboards, desktops, chair handles, check-in stations, door handles, and writing instruments are sanitized after each use.

For more information about PSI Test Center policy and procedures, view PSI's FAQ document (www.psionline.com/covid-19/faq) related to operations due to COVID-19 impact. 

Watch your e-mails for updates to CBDM policies or other matters regarding the CBDM Certification Program (don't forget to check your spam e-mail folder). If you have any questions, please contact info@ANFPonline.org or 800.323.1908, select option 1 (Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. CST and Friday 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. CST).

CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook

This Handbook includes policies related to applying for, scheduling and completing the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam. Additional information may be found in CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam FAQs HERE.

Access the Handbook

*NOTE: The most recent version of the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Candidate Handbook is dated September 19, 2023. If you are not seeing this version, please contact CBDM at 800-323-1908 or exam@CBDMonline.org for assistance.

Scheduling at-a-Glance

*Please refer to the top of this page for updated scheduling information from PSI and CBDM.

Year-Round Computer-Based Testing

  • Available at over 300 testing centers managed by our examination services provider, PSI
  • CBDM Approved individuals can schedule their computer-based exam on the date and at a testing center location of their choice, based on availability.

Scheduling Your Exam

  • About 7 to 14 days after CBDM sends e-mail notice of eligibility to sit for the exam, PSI sends e-mail notice of process to register for the exam.
  • Must schedule an exam appointment with PSI either online or by phone at 833.333.4755.
  • List of PSI Test Center addresses and driving directions is available here: Test Centers
  • Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Must schedule and take the exam within 90-day test window
  • Exam fees are not transferable to other parties/individuals, are not refundable, and cannot be canceled.
  • If testing accommodations are being requested as allowed under guidance set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), you must answer yes to that question during the online exam application process and follow all required steps as indicated under the Special Accommodations section on the CBDM Register web page

Exam Day Information

  • You must arrive, register and be seated to begin your exam within 30 minutes of the scheduled testing time or you will be considered a "no show" and will forfeit exam application and fees. You will be required to submit a new exam application and fees in accordance with CBDM policy.
  • Test takers will be asked to undergo a metal detection wanding inspection as part of the security check.
  • Present two forms of approved identification. The primary form must be government-issued, current, and include your photo and signature. You will not be allowed to test if you do not bring the required forms of identification, will be considered a "no show" and will forfeit your exam application and fees. To reschedule an exam appointment, you are required to submit a new exam application and fees in accordance with CBDM policy.
  • If your name on your registration is different than it appears on your identification, you must bring legal proof of your name change.
  • You may bring a silent, non-programmable, battery-operated calculator with no printing capabilities that must be approved by the test center administrator. A calculator will not be provided at the test center.
  • You will be provided pencils and scrap paper. You may not bring your own.
  • You will be allowed three hours (180 minutes) to complete the exam.

Cancellations & Rescheduling

  • If an emergency prohibits you from taking your exam as scheduled, contact CBDM immediately (exam@CBDMonline.org or 800.323.1908) to determine next steps.
  • Failure to cancel at least 2 business days prior to your scheduled appointment, showing up late for your appointment or not reporting for your exam, results in you being considered a "no show", forfeiting your exam application and fees and to reschedule an exam appointment  being required to submit a new exam application and fees in accordance with CBDM policy.
  • Rescheduling your exam appointment is allowed ONCE within your 90-day-test window. Contact PSI at 833.333.4755 by 3:00 pm (CT) at least two business days prior to your scheduled appointment.