CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Study Materials

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New CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Study Materials & Textbooks
Coming Soon!

Exciting updates are on the way! New study material resources and textbooks will be available for purchase within the next two weeks. Check back soon to purchase yours!

In the meantime, explore the Exam Study Materials chart below for more information.

Which Exam Study Materials are Right for Me?

Are you preparing for the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam? Utilize the chart below to compare the tools that will be available to help you succeed!

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Study Material Currently Available


CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam: Your Step-by-Step Study Plan

This free guide offers a clear and organized approach to preparing for the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam. It outlines effective study strategies, key resources, and practical tips to help you stay on track. You'll also find valuable advice for exam day to ensure you're confident and ready to succeed.


Access the Guide

Exam Content Outline

The detailed content outline lists topics covered on the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam that you must know in order to be successful on the exam, as well as the percentage of questions on the exam from each content area.

The Exam Content Outline is the blueprint for the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam effective March 1, 2025.