Exam Scoring & Results


During the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam, questions may be unanswered or bookmarked for return later during the testing session. Before exiting the exam, be sure to answer each question. There’s no penalty for guessing, but unanswered items will be scored as incorrect. PSI is responsible for the validity and integrity of scores they report. Occurrences such as a computer malfunction or candidate misconduct may cause a score to be suspect. PSI reserves the right to void or withhold exam results if violation of its regulations is discovered. If you choose to retest for any reason, you must wait a minimum of 90 days before being eligible to retest. To retest, you must submit a new exam application and fees in accordance with CBDM policy.

Exam Scoring & Results at-a-Glance

During the Exam

  • Time to complete practice test is not included in three hours (180 minutes) allowed to completed the exam.
  • Pretest questions are not scored.
  • Unanswered questions will be scored as incorrect.
  • Must complete post-exam survey to get exam results.
  • Must adhere to all CBDM and PSI Test Center policy. Violations may result in exam results being voided and then being required to submit a new exam application and fees to retake the exam. 

Exam results

  • Test Center Administrator will provide you with a hard copy score report.
  • Score report includes your photograph and exam results indicating “Pass” or “Fail.”
  • Passing score information and statistics for the exam are available on the CBDM website here.
  • According to the CBDM privacy policy, the CBDM maintains confidentiality of candidate and certificant data and information. No information will be released without written permission from the applicant, candidate, or certificant unless required by court order or other legal process.
  • If you pass the exam
    • CBDM will e-mail information about the CBDM Certification Program
    • You must activate your certification within one year of the date that you passed the exam. You are not certified until you activate your certification. Failure to activate your certification within one year will result in your certification being terminated.
    • Learn more about certification activation and the fees HERE.
  • If you do not pass the exam
    • Your score report will include a breakdown indicating how you scored in each content area on the exam. You may use the content area scores to prioritize areas of study; however, you should review all areas as it is your overall score that determines your pass/fail status.
    • You may retake after required 90-day wait period has been met. A new application and fees must be submitted for review and approval.
    • For security reasons, the exam will not be released in part or whole. You cannot see the questions that you missed.
  • Score verification is available for a fee. Requests must be submitted in writing to CBDM at info@CBDMonline.org. It must include your name, ID number, and date and location at which you tested.

For more information about exam scoring and results, refer to the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Handbook.

Access the Handbook

*NOTE: The most recent version of the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam Handbook PDF is dated March 23, 2022. If you are not seeing this version, please contact CBDM at 800-323-1908 or info@CBDMonline.org for assistance.

Additional information may be found in the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam FAQs.