CE Audit at a Glance


CE Audit Logo

Click the image below to watch CBDM Chair, Ken Hanson, CPM, CDM, CFPP, discuss the ANFP CE Audit process.


To assure certified individuals comply with CBDM recertification requirements to maintain their CDM, CFPP credential. Maintaining certification demonstrates the CDM, CFPP's commitment to professional growth and continued competence.


Conducted annually. Selected individuals are notified via e-mail on June 1 or the first business day thereafter about selection for the CE Audit and required actions.


  • CDM, CFPPs who have reported more than 0.5 CE hours but fewer than 45 CE hours by May 31 of the third-year end of their recertification period.

  • CDM, CFPPs whose three-year recertification periods ends May 31 may be randomly selected for the CE Audit, even if they have reported the minimum required CE requirements.

  • Others who do not comply with laws and regulations related to the profession, including ethical violations, may be selected.


  • CE record is reviewed for compliance with CBDM policy for hours and required documentation for each reported program. View a list of definitions about certification and CE Audit status that you may see in your ANFP record.

  • All recertification and CE Audit requirements must be fully met by stated deadlines.

  • Deficiencies (CE hours and/or required documentation) identified during the CE Audit must be removed. CBDM must approve the program and documentation for the reported hours to be eligible toward recertification requirements.

  • Certification status remains active during the CE Audit process and until the CE Audit process is complete, as long as the annual certification fees are paid up to date.

  • Failure to fully meet all recertification and CE Audit requirements will result in your certification being terminated.

What Next:

  • If you pass the CE Audit, your next recertification period begins when CBDM sends written e-mail notice of passing the CE Audit.

  • If you fail the CE Audit:

    • CBDM sends written e-mail notice of failing the CE Audit.

    • Your certification will be terminated and you are no longer entitled to use the CDM, CFPP credential or represent yourself as being certified. E-mail and mailed notification of certification termination will be sent to the individual at the address on file in their ANFP record.

    • To become certified again, you will be required to meet a current pathway of eligibility, submit a new exam application with fees for CBDM review and approval, receive a passing score on the CDM, CFPP Credentialing Exam, and activate your certification within one year of passing the exam.

    • You have the right to appeal the outcome of the CE Audit in accordance with the CBDM appeals policy.

For full CBDM policy on recertification and CE Audit requirements, refer to the CBDM Guide to Maintaining Your CDM, CFPP Credential.

CE Audit Update

Beginning June 1, 2024, new parameters will be in place for CE Audit in accordance with CBDM policy. If your certification is active and you have reported more than 0.5 CE but less than 45.0 CE on May 31 of the third year end of your recertification period, you will be automatically placed into the CE Audit process and be required to pass the CE Audit in order to remain actively certified. To pass the CE Audit, you must meet all recertification and CE Audit requirements. If you have not submitted any CE hours by the end of your recertification cycle, your certification will be terminated, and you will need to qualify under a current pathway of eligibility, submit an exam application with fees, and retest to become certified again.
Notice of CE Audit will be e-mailed on June 1 or the first business day thereafter to the e-mail address on file. Selected individuals will be required to take all stated actions to pass the CE Audit.
To avoid missing critical communications about required actions and deadlines, make sure your contact information in your ANFP record is accurate and current. Failure to meet all recertification and CE Audit requirements will result in your certification being terminated.
Watch your e-mails for CBDM policy updates or other matters regarding the CBDM Certification Program. You may also contact CBDM at info@CBDMonline.org or 800.323.1908, select option 1 (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT).


WEBINAR: Audit Policy and Process

The video below covers CBDM policy for recertification and CE Audit requirements. The slides from the webinar are available here.

Download the CBDM Guide to Maintaining
Your CDM, CFPP Credential

For more detailed information about recertification policies, refer to the CBDM Guide to Maintaining your CDM, CFPP Credential and the Self-Reporting Frequently Asked Questions.

  • CE requirements
  • Eligible CE activities and required documentation
  • Recertification and CE Audit policy
  • How to self-report CE

Access the Guide

Access the CE Audit FAQs

Top 10 Tips for a Successful CE Audit

CE Audit Status Definitions

If you are in the CE Audit and your ANFP record is not under CBDM review, you have access to review your reported CE activities. For a CE activity to be CBDM approved, all requirements must be met in accordance with CBDM policy including the submitted documentation. Become familiar with the CE Audit status definitions.

Certification & CE Audit Status Definitions

CE Audit Extension

CBDM recognizes that there may be situations that affect CDM, CFPPs personally and professionally, and may impact having the time to meet recertification requirements. Individuals selected for CE Audit may be eligible for an extension to fulfill the CE Audit and recertification requirements. Learn more about how to qualify for an extension and other CE Audit extension policies below.

Learn more

CBDM Appeal Process

To submit an appeal to CBDM, you must do so in accordance with CBDM policy and you must use the CBDM Appeal Form. For more information about the Appeals process and policy, refer to the CBDM Guide to Maintaining Your CDM, CFPP Credential.

Access the CBDM Appeal Form

CBDM Appeals Committee Appeals Process 

An appellant may choose to appeal CBDM's decision by submitting their written intent to appeal to the CBDM Appeals Committee at appeals@CBDMonline.org. The e-mail must also include the appellant's name, e-mail address, and mailing address as in their ANFP record. The CBDM Appeals Committee will be presented the same appeal that appellant submitted to CBDM. No new information will be presented. The decision of the CBDM Appeals Committee is final.

For more information about the Appeals process policy, refer to the CBDM Guide to Maintaining Your CDM, CFPP Credential.